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Privacy Policy

TIS Data complies with all the laws which dictate the requirements for sending commercial emails. We respect your privacy and acknowledge how important it is to stay in control of your personal information.

As with the majority of websites we do use cookies to view traffic through our site and see how users entered our site. If you do not wish to enable cookies then simply use the help section on your browser to learn how to disable them. All of our emails Recipients have opted-in to the category they requested. Each and every recipient has agreed to receive email advertisements from us.

All information entered is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. SSL is the best encryption software available but only works only if you use an SSL-enabled browser. When a lead signs up on one of ours, or one of our partners websites, we collect all their basic information plus Timestamp and IP Address! This enables us to keep track of all our opted-in subscribers.

This Policy applies to all information we receive from you, whether you are registering on our website or ordering any of our products. During the course of your use of this website,  TIS Data will collect two types of information:

(i) Aggregated Information – This website automatically gathers certain statistical information such as the number and frequency of visitors. This information is only used in the aggregate and individuals cannot be identified from it. This aggregated information helps us to measure how individuals use the website and our services so that we can continually improve them.

(ii) Personal Information –  TIS Data requires personal information from you, such as name and e-mail address, in order for us to perform the services offered by the site and to fulfill your requests. Some of this information is voluntary and the compulsory fields are clearly marked on the form. On occasion, iConnect Global may also collect additional personal information from you on a voluntary basis. This personal information may be used in a number of ways:

  • Identifying potential customers or subscribers.
  • As part of the account opening process for new customers, including verifying your identity and carrying out a credit check on you.
  • Providing you with the services that you have requested.
  • We may from time to time send promotional e-mails to you with information about our products and services. If you do not wish to receive such information please send an e-mail to info@TIS
  • We may contact you via post, e-mail or telephone in relation to the administration of your account or the provision of your service.
  • We may access and disclose personal information about you if you breach this Privacy Policy, and/or to comply with applicable laws, court orders and lawful government requests, to operate its systems properly or to protect itself and/or its users.
  • We reserve the right to sell the database related to this website (including personal data relating to you) to a third party if we sell, assign or transfer the assets of our business.

We take all reasonable precautions to ensure that outside parties or affiliated companies are aware of our Privacy Policy and that they will treat the personally identifiable information in a similar manner.

Please Contact Us with any concerns or questions relating to our policy.