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Search Engine Marketing

Two programs dominate search engine marketing (SEM)—Google AdWords and Yahoo Sponsored Search. Also known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, both programs work similarly. See Best Practices in Search Engine Marketing to discover how to get the best ROI and B2B lead generation results from search marketing campaigns.

Internet Advertising Networks

These networks serve ads through networks of popular content partner sites. At the simplest level, if you’re already running a search engine marketing campaign with Google AdWords, you can extend your ads to their content network in your campaign settings.

There are also dozens of more sophisticated options available. These networks serve ads in basic text and rich media formats across networks of highly-trafficked partner sites.

White Paper Syndication Services

White papers remain the leading form of thought-leadership content distribution, and among the most productive forms of B2B lead generation. Syndication services make your white papers available on their own highly optimized sites as well as across leading technology publisher websites, and also promote your content by email to their large opt-in registration lists.